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Civil Justice Reforms to Watch in 2024 – and What They Could Mean for Law Firms

  • June 10, 2024

2023 was a busy year for civil justice reforms and it’s more than likely that we’ll continue to see changes this year too as the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and Civil Justice Council (CJC) continue to update and review key legislation and guidelines.

Taken together, the upcoming and proposed civil justice reforms are designed to make it easier and simpler to resolve civil and commercial litigation and help clear some of the ongoing backlog of small claims and injury cases in the court system.

That’s not to say that the reforms have been uncontroversial.

Let’s explore the timeline of civil justice reforms and potential changes you need to be aware of in 2024:

Guideline Hourly Rates Rise

From January 1st the Guideline Hourly Rates (GHR) for fee earners have increased in line with inflation according to the Services Producer Price Index. The new hourly rates have risen by around 6.5% and will rise annually in line with the SPI. You can find the new rates here.

Review of the Personal Injury Discount Rate (PIDR)

Following a second call for evidence which ended on 9th April, another formal review of the PIDR is expected to take place in July 2024 with any changes being announced before the end of January 2025. Potential changes could result in disruption and increased costs.

Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC) Uprated for Inflation

Previously only used for low-value cases, FRC now apply to most civil litigation claims in England and Wales valued up to £100,000. What’s more, the government has finally confirmed that FRC for low-value clinical negligence claims (valued between £1,001 to £25,000) will come into force in October 2024, six months later than planned. However the changes are not without opposition with The Society of Clinical Injury Lawyers arguing that the FRC proposals are ‘fundamentally flawed’, as they misunderstand the nature of compensation and do not prioritise learning and patient safety.

Further Changes to Pre-Action Protocols

Discussion continues around the issue of digitising pre-action processes. The first part of the Civil Justice Council’s review of pre-action protocols was published in August 2023. The report focused on the benefits of digitisation and recommended several proposals to the MOJ. While there is no timeframe for the publication of the second part of the review it is anticipated that it will focus on reform and creation of specific protocols.

Mediation and Alternative Resolution to become Compulsory

The government has been focused on integrating mediation and other forms of ‘negotiation dispute resolution’ (NDR) into a wide range of legal practice areas for some time. We’ve seen mediation processes begin to be implemented in family law and in small claims cases up to the value of £10,000 over the past year and we can expect to see the same in wider civil and commercial litigation.

Potential Pilots on Cost-Budgeting

Finally, the CJC has recommended that a pilot be undertaken to test different approached to cost budgeting in the next year or so.

How Civil Justice Reforms Could Affect Recruitment

So, what do these current and future civil justice reforms mean for law firms and how will they affect your ongoing recruitment and talent acquisition planning?

In the short term the ongoing backlog of civil court cases in England & Wales combined with the changes to FRC’s and the rise in hourly rates could put off clients with smaller claims. This could mean less work for smaller firms, putting the brakes on hiring. However, one potential upside is an increase in legal talent on the market.

The rise in GHR could also improve early career recruitment, making it easier to snap up young legal talent, if you can create an employer brand that appeals.

In the medium to longer term, the skillsets sought by law firms are expected to evolve. The push towards digitisation, an increase in tech-based roles, and a greater emphasis on mediation will necessitate attracting and retaining candidates with digital literacy, mediation, and Negotiation Dispute Resolution (NDR) experience alongside their legal expertise.


Clayton Legal has over 20 years’ experience helping clients attract and retain legal talent across practice areas that include Property, Personal Injury, Family, Criminal, and Costs law as well as Legal IT and Civil and Commercial Litigation.

If you are building your legal team, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

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What the Extension of the Family Court Reporting Pilot Means for Family Law Recruitment

  • June 8, 2024

It’s been nearly 6 months since the Transparency Pilot, a scheme which allows for greater access to the family court system by the media, was rolled out to 19 of the 43 family court centres in England and Wales. The scheme is designed to encourage greater visibility of the family court system by allowing journalists, legal bloggers and advocated access to proceedings and giving permission for outlets to publish what happens there. While the changes to family court reporting have not been uncontroversial, the scheme itself has been a success.

Alongside the increased use of alternative dispute resolution in UK law, the changes to family court reporting rules mean we could be seeing the largest shift in legal norms in generations. The resulting increase in visibility and scrutiny will have an enormous impact on family law firms and their goals when it comes to talent acquisition.

The biggest hurdle to the success of the scheme has been centred around the question of how to balance expectations of privacy, particularly for children, with a growing need to build a culture of transparency in some of our biggest public institutions. Some senior judges have been less than supportive of the scheme, citing concerns over a lack of public interest and a fear of lurid tabloid journalism.

However the clear guidance on family court reporting provided by the President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane aims to reassure judges, lawyers and journalists that media access will work towards the overriding objective of the scheme; transparency. In each of the 16 participating courts judges can issue Transparency Orders with set conditions around what can and cannot be reported and all proceedings remain subject to strict anonymity rules.


What This Means For Family Law Recruitment

The extension of the family court reporting pilot has several potential ramifications for law firms looking to attract and retain legal talent. Firms specialising in family law or those looking to hire family lawyers should be aware of the need for:

1. Adapting to new regulations

Law firms need to anticipate and adapt to the potential shifts in reporting regulations and media access to family court. These shifts don’t just signal changes in regulation but changes in society as well. Greater awareness of domestic violence, coercive control, and financial control have led to a desire amongst the public for wider visibility into family court proceedings.

To ensure compliance and protect their clients’ interests, firms should regularly review and update their internal policies and procedures regarding media interaction and public disclosure of case information and ensure that new hires as well as established partners are aware of and adhere to these policies. Recruitment and talent attraction teams should look for candidates with a demonstrated ability to navigate complex regulatory landscapes and quickly adapt to evolving legal frameworks.

2. Ongoing training and development programs for legal professionals

If the family court reporting pilot scheme is rolled out to the rest of the country it will be crucial for legal teams to stay updated on the latest media-related legal practices to best support and represent their clients effectively.

Ongoing training ensures that teams understand the nuances of reporting restrictions, confidentiality laws, and ethical considerations when dealing with media inquiries in family law cases. And that they have the knowledge and skills necessary to handle legal issues and conflicts brought about by media engagement.

3. Legal professionals with strong communication and public relations skills

Alongside legal expertise, family lawyers with exceptional soft skills are going to be in high demand. The ability to communicate effectively with the media, clients, and other stakeholders and a background in public relations will help in navigating sensitive family law cases and managing external perceptions and the wider reputation of the firm.

Those looking to attract and retain top family law talent must prioritise candidates who are proficient in creating communication strategies, crisis management, and maintaining client confidentiality amidst media scrutiny. Former criminal barristers could be a potential source of legal talent with the media skills necessary.

In Conclusion

The Transparency Pilot represents a significant shift in the family court system, promoting greater openness and accountability. By allowing media access and the publication of court proceedings, the initiative seeks to build a culture of transparency within one of our most critical public institutions. Despite concerns over privacy and the potential for sensationalism, clear guidelines and strict anonymity rules aim to balance these issues effectively.

For family law firms, the pilot scheme introduces new challenges and opportunities in talent acquisition and retention, and it’s clear that firms must adapt to evolving regulations, ensure continuous professional development, and seek legal professionals with strong communication skills. These changes signal a broader transformation in legal norms, underscoring the importance of transparency and public awareness in family law.

As the pilot progresses, it will be essential for law firms to stay agile, informed, and proactive in navigating this new landscape to best serve their clients and uphold the integrity of the family justice system – and of course, to ensure their own team keep up with the changes ahead.


Clayton Legal has over 20 years’ experience helping clients attract and retain legal talent across practice areas that include Property, Personal Injury, Family, Criminal, and Costs law as well as Legal IT and Civil and Commercial Litigation.

If you are building your legal team, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.


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Are You Failing to Plan for Growth in Your Law Firm?

  • May 1, 2024

As a successful legal professional, be it a Senior Partner, Managing Partner, or on the Board, you are a primary driver of success for your law firm, determining its growth. Ultimately, you are pivotal in creating your firm’s story and building a pathway to its goals. Hopefully, you are experiencing current success and business is doing well – but don’t fall into the trap of overlooking areas where you could improve. It’s easy to become complacent, and before you know it, you will start to slip backwards. So how can you ensure you don’t fail to grow? In the current climate with market forces, as they are, you must strive to remain successful – and the key to that lies in planning. 

Sometimes it’s natural to overlook areas where you could make improvements if the firm is experiencing overall success. It’s easy to miss opportunities to progress. Alternatively, you may feel that your business is suffering due to market forces out of your control and you’re unable to take a step forward in the current climate.

However, there are always ways to improve and move forward – and that involves taking a step back, first of all, to review your law firm holistically; its customers, systems, processes, and people to reassess your goals and ensure you are making the most of your business. 

Talk To Your Clients:

It doesn’t matter how qualified your employees are or what specialist services you provide if you don’t focus on customer service first. Customers define your firm, so your priority is to ensure you understand their needs (and indeed challenges).

You can do this by conducting surveys and research – both quantitative and qualitative –  to gain valuable insight. Just ensure that your surveys facilitate honest feedback, or you’re wasting your time, and theirs. Having a spotlight on your customers’ thoughts about your service will allow you to leverage the elements that you’re already doing well, as well as focus on any hot spots where you need to reflect and make improvements. It’s essential to take the extra step to make your customers feel valued and unique, so make sure you talk to them and listen to (and address) any problems they have. That way, you will inspire loyalty – and loyal consumers won’t just come back to you – they will recommend their friends and colleagues to you too.  

Come Out Of The Bubble: 

In a volatile market – where the economy is impacting all facets of running a business,  one of the quickest ways for a firm to stunt its growth and cripple its potential is to conduct business blindly. By that, we mean lacking awareness of what your clients’ needs are, how they have changed over time, and how your competitors have responded to such needs to stay ahead of the curve. It can be tempting to get wrapped up in the business-as-usual of today, respond to immediate needs, and push anything deemed important but not urgent – however this can have disastrous consequences for your firm. Opportunities to capitalise on market changes, strike deals with highly after clients or scale business operations can pass you by if you fail to pay attention to how your competitors are conducting their business in the market. Coming out of your ‘bubble’ to look at other firms in your practice area and/or region can really impact how you trade competitively. As the saying goes, ‘no man is an island’ and if you’re looking to increase market share, you need to fully understand where and with whom that market is buying from.

This makes the presence of a regularly updated and detailed target persona an absolute must in your business strategy as it will ensure you have a Unique Selling Point that is consistent. A target persona consists of who your clients are, where their interests lie, what pain points they have, what they want from your services, and much more. Having this level of insight into your target market enables you to not only address their problems at the right time, but it also allows you to make your marketing and specifically your branding effective by communicating your USP at every touchpoint of the buyer cycle. This helps to create a strong brand that utilises both its position and performance in the marketplace to develop a reputation for being an excellent firm to do business with. 

Lack of an EVP: 

Going back to red flag number one, a firm’s culture, people strategy, and EVP (Employee Value Proposition) live or dies by its values as that forms the foundation for its competence in attracting, retaining, and developing top legal talent. As legal professionals are now becoming increasingly demanding in their search for the ideal employer, one of the biggest mistakes any firm can make in today’s market is failing to consider the priorities and preferences of its employees or jobseekers they are looking to attract. Without such a foundation, it is incredibly easy for a firm to slip into reactive mode and allow external factors such as economic pressures, market changes, and consequently, business performance to dictate how it treats its employees.  

And even though you will hopefully have ironed out your values as a business at this point, it does not guarantee immunity from making such blunders. The key to a strong EVP is the ability to create and sustain a positive, productive workforce, and that is only made possible through a regular, honest, and thorough review of your people strategy, to ensure your firm culture and environment remain the focus of it, and not the business goals – no matter the external or internal situation at hand.

According to Brett Minchington, who coined the phrase Employee Value Proposition in the first place, this comes down to largely five elements:

  • Fair pay

  • Personal development and growth

  • Meaningful work, making a contribution

  • Good reputation

  • Working with friendly colleagues

Your work environment should have employees feeling valued, respected, and motivated and should regularly facilitate open communication, effective collaboration, and a healthy work-life balance. We have seen a big shift in the market in recent years towards flexibility, hybrid working, and employee satisfaction so ensure that your EVP focuses on these areas while remaining aligned with your goals for business growth. 

Consider Your Leadership Contingent – Are They Suitable For That Role? 

The last few years have been challenging for the legal sector. Dealing with the fallout of the pandemic, increased workload, and the impact of overworking on employees’ well-being means that many firms also now need to uplevel their leadership skills alongside recruiting new lawyers into their teams to lead their firm moving forward.

In turbulent times, everyone looks to great leaders for guidance. Leadership resonates throughout a business, and the quality of your leadership can be the difference between your firm’s ultimate success or failure.

A successful law firm requires leadership that is transparent, emotionally intelligent, resilient, empathetic, focused, and inspiring.

If you believe your leadership could develop in some of these areas further, take steps now. Training in personal development and upskilling where needed will enable you to lead from the front. Failure to invest in leadership will result in good ideas coming to nothing, so start at the top. 

Invest In Building A Top Team 

A high-performing team is what any employer would want. A high-performing team of solicitors that is efficient, drives profits and gets results is no doubt the utopia that business leaders strive for, which requires excellent leadership, support in their development, and constant engagement (even before any recruits join the firm).

Developing a high-performing team that works collaboratively will enable your law firm to achieve its goals, both short and long-term. It will create a positive mindset and ethos of encouragement and positivity that will allow your firm to excel and grow, keeping you ahead of the pack in the competitive legal marketplace and making your law firm attractive to further top talent.

As part of this, professional development should play a significant role in ensuring your team keeps ahead of trends. Training and development of both hard and soft skills will not only instill a sense of pride in specialist knowledge and ability but also make employees feel valued by the firm. This, in turn, will lead to better staff retention saving you the costs of hiring and onboarding new employees. Additionally, happy staff are more productive, so you will see positive developments in the bottom line. In a working environment where individuals are part of a capable team, the quality of an individual’s sense of purpose in understanding big goals is enhanced. They feel ‘included’ in decisions, and their ideas and concerns are listened to and acted on. 

Keep On Top Of (And Ahead) Of Tech  

The legal sector is growing at a rapid pace. If you’re standing still in terms of digital ability, then you might as well be going backwards. Using digital strategies to grow your law firm allows you to reach a much larger number of potential clients than ever before. As well as building your client base, if you regularly post industry articles online, you will develop a reputation as being an authority in your specialist areas – attracting both top talent to want to work for you as well as establishing you as a credible law firm in the eyes of competitors. Your website should also reflect your forward-thinking by embracing new technology. Refining your online platform will make it more responsive, and maximizing your SEO will enable you to reach more viewers online, as well as offer you the opportunity to connect and network with others – crucial in moving forward. Additionally, a social media strategy will enable you to reach more clients, develop relationships and strengthen existing ones, gain insight into competitors, and demonstrate your industry knowledge. 

Plan For Headcount Growth Early 

As firms consider their strategy and business objectives, whether that’s on a quarterly basis as a checkpoint, or a typical 1-, 3- and 5-year plan, any kind of compound growth inevitably goes hand in hand with the need to increase headcount and upskill where required.

Firms may have their own Hiring Managers whose remit is to attract new talent to the firm, or this may fall to HR or even practising Solicitors and Partners in some cases. Either way, reaching out to a specialist legal recruiter as those strategic discussions are taking place will undoubtedly pay dividends in the long run to get a true birds-eye view of the market, your competitors, the movement of talent (and scarcity which may impact your plans) – invaluable insight that you can readily tap in to.

Ultimately, a strategic plan is the tool that will enable you to move forward and grow your legal firm. Using your knowledge of what has worked well previously, you can build a pathway to achieve your ultimate goals, avoiding strategies that have failed in the past. A good plan will move you from where you are now to where you want to be. Including milestones, and achievements will keep you focused on the end goals and provide you and your team with motivation along the way. Make your strategic plan achievable (but aspirational) and timely – and don’t be afraid to amend it as you progress if your law firm’s requirements change.  

About Clayton Legal

Clayton Legal has been partnering with law firms across the country since 1999 and during that time has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability. We have made over 5,000 placements from partners to legal executives, solicitors to paralegals, and legal IT personnel to practice managers.

If you are building your legal team or looking for your next career move, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

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The Future of the Personal Injury Market: What’s Next for Law Firms

  • April 22, 2024

The current state of the personal injury market, while positive, is not one that will have most law firms jumping for joy. While 2022/23 saw small signs of growth – with IRN’s 2023 Personal Injury Market Report registering a revenue increase of 3.5% – this slow recovery hasn’t been felt equally across the sector.

Over the last 10 years the number of personal injury and clinical negligence claims has almost halved, and the number of personal injury (PI) law firms active in the market has been shrinking. Hardest hit has been the small, local law firms that once were found on every high street. It’s these smaller law firms that are still facing an uncertain future.

For larger PI law firms things look brighter. The drop in claim volume has been less damaging for those able to operate with economy of scale. Those that have been able to quickly implement new technology and digital solutions have prospered too.
But there are challenges ahead for larger law firms in the personal injury market as well. It’s important that in chasing efficiency and profitability, we don’t lose sight of the importance of consistency, good communication and understanding in achieving fair settlements for clients, especially in high volume, low value cases.

We may also see in future a shift towards US-style class action personal injury claims and even renewed interest from large US law firms in the UK personal injury market as a whole.

What This Means for Personal Injury Law Firms

These changes in the market are going to affect how personal injury law firms attract and retain the talent they need for the future.

New Opportunities to Attract Diverse Skill Sets

As smaller law firms struggle or close, legal professionals working for these law firms may find themselves displaced and seeking new employment opportunities. For candidates this is going to mean more competition for choice roles, but for employers this will provide new opportunities to attract high-calibre legal talent with hard-to-find skillsets, which could be attractive to those law firms seeking to broaden their expertise or enhance their service offerings.

Potential for Specialisation

As the number of claims on offer declines, specialisation could be the answer for those law firms unable to compete at volume. Some candidates from small law firms may specialise in niche areas within personal injury law, offering unique knowledge and experience that could be valuable to larger law firms looking to expand or diversify their practice areas. Equally those law firms with expertise in handling class action claims may have a competitive edge in attracting legal talent with specialised skills.

Increased Competition for Legal Talent

For the most part, we are going to be entering a legal recruitment market that favours employers, with more candidates available as smaller law firms shut down. However, this does mean that employers need to be more diligent in their recruitment processes to increase the chance of finding candidates that are a good culture match as well as a good skills match.

Larger law firms may have more resources for recruiting and retaining legal talent, offering stability, larger salaries and career growth opportunities but smaller law firms can compete by thinking outside the box with recruitment strategies and aiming to diversify their sourcing. UK law firms may also find themselves needing to compete with US law firms for legal talent, potentially leading to increased demand and competition for skilled professionals.

Need for Adaptability and Forward-Thinking

The personal injury market is undergoing changes, requiring law firms to adapt and anticipate future trends. Law firms that can demonstrate adaptability and a forward-thinking approach may be more attractive to legal talent seeking long-term career prospects. Law firms seeking to recruit top talent should highlight their technological capabilities and commitment to innovation. Top legal talent may also seek out law firms that prioritise both efficiency and client care and a positive work environment.

The UK personal injury market is in flux, impacting how law firms attract and retain talent going forward. As smaller law firms struggle, larger ones can seize opportunities however, as increased competition means thinking strategically about how you attract new talent and retain your existing team.

Clayton Legal has over 25 years’ experience helping clients attract and retain legal talent across practice areas that include Property, Personal Injury, Family, Criminal, and Costs law as well as Legal IT and Civil and Commercial Litigation.

If you are building your legal team, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

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Adapting to Changes in Costs Lawyer Qualifications for Future-Proof Talent Acquisition

With mediation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) becoming mandatory across a wide range of small claims, personal injury, and family litigation the need for well trained, experienced Costs Lawyers is increasing. Which is why the Association of Costs Lawyers (ACL) training scheme is particularly welcome. The course, which has been accredited by the Costs Lawyer Standards Board (CLSB) and approved by the Legal Services Board, aims to make costs law qualification easier, quicker, and more accessible while maintain high quality standards. Good news for employers facing a shortage of skilled costs law talent.

Pathways to Cost Law Qualification

The ACL’s pathway to costs law qualification – the Costs Lawyer Professional Qualification – is a part time, online course, open to applicants over the age of 18 and can be completed in just two years. Students will also have to complete two years of qualifying work experience which can be done before, after or during the course. Previously both the costs law qualification and the work experience requirement took three years to complete.

Trainee Costs Lawyers completing the course will receive a diploma in civil practice, a diploma in costs law and practice and an award in costs advocacy. Applicants with law degrees or other legal qualifications can complete individual modules, as can those who want to expand on specific areas of their costs expertise, or those who are unable to commit to the full course.

The first cohort of qualifying students on the ACL’s training scheme began in September 2023 and will graduate in 2025. And, while this is currently the only costs law qualification approved that meets the new training rules outlined by the regulator, we can expect more courses to be offered in future.

What the Costs Lawyer Qualifications Mean for Employers

Easier ways to obtain costs law qualifications are not only good news for trainees and professionals but are promising for employers as well. These updates streamline pathways to qualification, easing the recruitment and talent acquisition process for employers by giving them:

  1. Access to a More Diverse Talent Pool
    Improved pathways to qualification makes it easier for younger people and those who had previously overlooked a legal career to enter the profession, as the streamlined process reduces the time and financial burden traditionally associated with qualification. This accessibility can attract fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the field from those with diverse backgrounds and experiences.The revised qualifications also open doors for professionals from other areas of law to specialise in costs law more easily. This means that lawyers with expertise in various legal domains, such as criminal law, corporate law or intellectual property law, can now pivot towards costs law without undergoing extensive retraining.
  2. A Greater Ability to Meet Increased Demand
    As ADR methods gain prominence in the UK legal system thanks to their efficiency and cost-effectiveness, there’s a corresponding rise in the need for professionals well-versed in costs law to navigate these proceedings. By offering improved pathways to qualification, employers can ensure a steady influx of qualified costs Lawyers to meet this demand.The availability of a larger pool of qualified applicants allows firms and legal departments to scale their teams according to the demands of their workload, ensuring that they can efficiently handle the changing needs of clients associated with increased ADR usage.
  3. Better Access to Key Skills
    Increased use of ADR methods, such as arbitration and mediation, in dispute resolution, requires Cost Lawyers equipped with the expertise to handle these processes effectively. By modernising the qualification pathways for Costs Lawyers, employers can be sure that newly qualified professionals possess the skills and knowledge needed.The modular format of the course also means that it’s easy for legal professionals to expand their skillsets and acquire new expertise. Employers should be encouraged to offer opportunities for trainee cost Lawyers to gain their work experience with them while qualifying and to allow their existing staff to upskill using the ACL qualifications.

Costs law has always held an important place in the life of law firms, despite its modest reputations. As the profession becomes more prominent thanks to ADR and other factors, it’s important that young legal talent has ways to qualify that effectively meet their needs as well as those of law firms.

Clayton Legal has over 25 years’ experience helping clients attract and retain legal talent across practice areas that include Property, Personal Injury, Family, Criminal, and Costs law as well as Legal IT and Civil and Commercial Litigation.

If you are building your legal team, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

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Lynn Sedgwick

Managing Director

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Legal Risk & Compliance Trends Shaping 2024

Over the last five years the role that risk and compliance departments play in law firms large and small has grown substantially. Everyone from large financial services institutions to public sector institutions is aware of the dangers of failing to meet compliance demands, and of the benefits a robust and forward-thinking legal risk and compliance function brings to the table.

Whether you are heading up a risk and compliance department in a larger law firm, or are a smaller specialist firm, the landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for law firms in this sector. With that in mind, let’s explore some of the key trends in legal risk and compliance for the year ahead.

Emerging Compliance Risks

While the general regulatory landscape in the UK is stable, there are several new pieces of legislation and some emerging issues that legal risk and compliance lawyers need to be on top of. First is the introduction of a new Legal Services Operational Privacy Certification Scheme, designed to help law firms comply with GDPR requirements and increase client trust. Certification is not yet mandatory, but it could become standard for law firms handling client data. Another key risk for law firms are updates to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) risk assessments and the ongoing impact of international sanctions on AML issues.

Bringing Corporate Risk & Compliance In-House

Ongoing economic concerns have left law firms looking for ways to balance their resources with their recruitment needs. When outside organisations choose to bring their legal risk and compliance needs in-house to save money this has a knock-on effect for law firms specialising in this issue. Law firms need to be aware of the potential loss of income as well as greater competition from in-house legal teams for talent and look for ways to differentiate themselves to attract and retain staff.

Managing Ongoing Digitalisation

28% of UK risk and compliance professionals say keeping pace with the rate of digitalisation is a top 5 priority. Whether you’re working in commercial real estate or family law, to what extent key processes will be digitised in the long-term is something to be aware of, particularly with regards to data security.

Increasing Role Specialisation

The role of corporate risk and compliance departments is changing. They are no longer seen as mere risk management exercises, but as having a key role to play at boardroom level, giving legal risk and compliance professionals long-term influence on organisation, strategy and planning. We are also seeing continued specialisation of risk and compliance roles thanks to changing regulations and an increasing reliance on more sophisticated technologies. These changes will mean the demand from law firms for professionals with advanced technical skills and strategic expertise will be much higher. Firms may want to consider refreshing their training and upskilling programmes to reduce hiring costs and attract new talent.


What these Trends Mean For Legal Risk & Compliance Hiring

Given the outlined legal risk and compliance trends, to attract and retain the right talent, businesses must emphasise agility, innovation, and a commitment to professional growth.


  1. Review Needed Skills & Expertise – Taking a proactive approach to workforce planning and talent acquisition should be a top priority for law firms looking to attract key skills and expertise, particularly in a skills short market. You should be reviewing your current workforce’s skillsets and comparing those with your expected needs. Review your current job descriptions and ensure they reflect the skills you need to attract.
  2. Explore New Sourcing Channels – If your current channels are ineffective at connecting with individuals who have the legal and technical skills you need, you should also look at new ways to connect with candidates. Expand your talent attraction channels to include social media, make connections with wider community groups including professional networks and universities.
  3. Set Your Employer Brand Apart – With law firms seeking to balance resources and staffing needs, there’s a growing emphasis on attracting top-tier talent. This shift requires smaller law firms to differentiate themselves to compete for skilled professionals. Offering unique opportunities for career growth, specialised training programmes, and competitive compensation packages can enhance your attractiveness to potential hires.
  4. Create a Culture of Continuous Learning – The increasing role specialisation within risk and compliance underscores the importance of fostering a culture of continuous learning and development. You should be investing in robust training and upskilling initiatives to equip existing staff with advanced technical and strategic skills. By nurturing talent internally, you can mitigate hiring costs and cultivate a pool of professionals capable of driving long-term growth.

By aligning your recruitment strategies with emerging industry demands and prioritising talent development, you will position your law firm as employers of choice for risk and compliance professionals at every stage of their career.

Clayton Legal has over 25 years’ experience helping clients attract and retain legal talent across practice areas that include Property, Personal Injury, Family, Criminal, and Costs law as well as Legal IT and Civil and Commercial Litigation.

If you are building your legal team, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.


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Posted By

Lynn Sedgwick

Managing Director

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Attracting Top Legal Talent: Elevating Your Social Media Presence

When discussing the biggest drivers of change in the digital age over the last decade, it can be said that the influence that social media holds in this regard is almost unparalleled. Not only has it transformed how we communicate, work, network and collaborate but it has been directly responsible for so many success stories – both on a personal and corporate level, with social proof now being a key (and highly coveted) attribute in brand (and reputation) building, and directly responsible for ‘lead’ generation and growth. 

Social media in general is now integral to firms’ understanding of their market’s behaviour (and that of their customers/clients) and consequently their own value as a business. Many law firms today are well aware of its influence, and that these channels of communication are often the first place prospective customers can find them to get a sense of whether they are the right law firm to work with – as well as future employees. 


Where Does It Fit In Your Hiring Strategy?

 As far as hiring is concerned, it has now become an indispensable tool, given the potential scale of its reach, as well as the accessibility and cost-efficacy it offers compared to other traditional marketing means. With over 80% of jobseekers known to use social media in their job search and 73% of millennials (18-34 age group) having acquired their last position through a social media platform, its role in recruitment is only set to grow in the coming years, making the need to understand how best to leverage its value even more of an imperative. 

As such, we have outlined in this blog how you can utilise it to bolster your brand and business impact and highlight your law firm to candidates as the employer of choice.  

Picking Your Channels  

 A big part of effective marketing of your law firm on social media involves deciding what channels are best suited to support and further bolster your efforts. Not all channels will work to this end, and if not selectively picked, you could find yourself speaking into the void, with little understanding or clarity about whether or not your target market has a presence there, or whether it’s a good fit for certain demographics over others. 

LinkedIn remains the clear choice for any business looking to expand their reach and give their content maximum visibility to establish their brand as thought leaders and experts in their field – but also as an employer of choice that celebrates the success of their people, and champions individuals. 

Facebook is also a worthwhile investment reach-wise, particularly for building local organic brand awareness and community engagement.  

Instagram meanwhile offers a real opportunity for businesses to showcase their company culture, and show rather than tell the personality behind the professionals.  

X (‘formerly Twitter) works best for more real-time commentary and trend-oriented discussions, as well as quick updates. 

TikTok may not be the first channel that springs to mind when it comes to a recruitment focus – especially for traditional sectors such as Law – but there is no denying that it is a formidable force with global reach and attention, particularly amongst the younger demographics such as Gen Z who will soon become the dominant workforce cohort within the next year or so. Employee-led content could be utilised here if you have brand advocates, as well as being able to bring the working environment and culture to life. 

Whatever channel you decide to utilise, it’s crucial that you ensure it facilitates and supports the growth of your business, as a social media strategy done right offers an immense opportunity to not only influence the conversation amongst your target audience but gain a significant advantage over competitors and earmark your firm as trustworthy experts.   


Using Multi-Media to Build a Robust Content Plan  

 LinkedIn is a natural vehicle to build your profile – your company page is easy to follow and allows you to share the level of clients you work with and your firm’s culture but your employees’ profiles are an even greater channel of communication for your firm’s brand – as the platform itself favours individual and user generated form of content, particularly those that aim to establish thought leadership among their audience.  

Building a robust content plan that incorporates multimedia elements such as videos, photographs, podcasts, and compelling content is instrumental in conveying the essence of your firm and creating a compelling narrative that resonates with legal candidates – these can be huge convincers of what it could be like to join your firm; therefore, communicating consistently is key.  

Showcasing your firm’s achievements, CSR activities, and the personalities behind your legal team through engaging multimedia content can significantly influence legal talent’s perception of your firm and attract top candidates looking for a collaborative and supportive work environment.  


Authentic Employer Branding 

Sharing authentic and relatable content about your company culture, values, and employee experiences can provide potential candidates with a genuine understanding of what it’s like to work at firm  This could include employee testimonials, “day in the life” features, and insights into your firm’s mission and vision. Highlighting real stories can help build trust and connection with your audience, ultimately attracting talent who resonate with your company’s ethos and shared values. 

There are several ways in which this can be brought to lift too. A robust content plan that incorporates multimedia elements such as videos, photographs, reels/stories etc can all play their part in conveying the essence of your firm and creating a compelling narrative that resonates with legal candidates. 


Engaging Content Strategy 

Beyond traditional job postings, a compelling content strategy can include a mix of industry insights, thought leadership articles, and behind-the-scenes looks at your firm. By sharing valuable content that goes beyond recruitment pitches, you can position your company as an industry leader and an attractive place to work. This approach not only engages potential candidates but also reinforces the expertise of those who work there (‘future colleagues’) as well as the wider culture and demonstrable ways of highlighting you are on the pulse of the latest topics across the sector. 


Interactivity and Engagement – not just broadcasting 

Incorporating interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and Q&A sessions into your social media strategy can foster engagement and dialogue around your employer brand – although this will need a little more thought and resource than posting/broadcasting your content out to your network. 

Interactive content encourages participation and can create a sense of community among your target market. This engagement can attract individuals who are not only interested in potential job opportunities but also align with your company’s values and culture – and can get involved in discussions that interest them (and also position your brand as being at the forefront of such topics). 


Spotlighting Your Brand Advocates 

Empowering your existing employees to be brand advocates on social media can significantly impact your employer branding efforts. Encourage them to share their work experiences, achievements, and industry-related content. Employee advocacy not only amplifies your employer brand to a wider audience but also provides an authentic and relatable perspective on your firm, showcasing what it’s like to be a part of the team. 

A varied multi-media approach here, and cross-channel marketing can be extremely effective in bringing this to life. 


Utilise Targeted Advertising: 

Leveraging social media advertising allows you to target specific demographics and skill sets – although will come at a cost, albeit one that can be controlled in line with budgets and outcomes. Tailoring your content to resonate with the talent you want to attract can significantly enhance your recruitment efforts. By using targeted advertising, you can reach potential candidates who align with your firms’ values and requirements, as well as basic information including location (if you are offering office-based roles) as well as job titles, level of seniority, experience etc.  


A Golden Opportunity or Added Complexity? 

Social media presents an unparalleled opportunity for law firms to showcase their Employer Value Proposition, engage with legal talent, and shape a compelling employer brand.  

As the number of social media users continues to soar, with platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, and TikTok boasting billions of active users, the potential to connect with and engage legal candidates through these channels has never been greater.  

One caveat with this rising phenomenon, however, is the added layer of complexity it adds to the recruitment side of things, as it now becomes an imperative for a business to factor it into their hiring practices and when it comes to navigating and understanding the evolving demands of talent attraction and retention in the legal sector, it can become even more challenging.   


Knowing When to Call In The Experts 

While these strategies are effective in enhancing your employer branding and attracting talent, partnering with a legal recruitment specialist can further augment your efforts. A recruitment specialist can offer valuable insights, industry expertise, and a network of potential candidates, streamlining the process of finding the right talent for your firm.  

Their understanding of the market and access to passive candidates can provide a competitive advantage in securing top-tier talent that aligns with your company’s culture and requirements – and those who have been operating for some time will almost certainly already have an engaged network of legal professionals on their own social channels who know, like, and trust them – and utilise their services when it comes to finding a new role in the market. 

By combining these modern recruitment strategies with the expertise of a recruitment specialist, you can maximise your chances of attracting and retaining the talent you need to drive your organisation forward. 


About Clayton Legal 

As a legal recruitment specialist that has been working with firms across England for over 25 years, we’d like to think we know a thing or two about how recruitment has evolved since the social media boom, and in that time have built up an in-depth knowledge of the industry as well as the necessary expertise to help our clients understand and meet the evolving needs of legal candidates. 

If you feel that your growth strategy could do with an extra leg up to ensure your firm’s employer value proposition is effectively sold to legal talent, we’re here to help. Give our team a call today on 01772 259 121 for an in-depth conversation about how we can resolve your hiring needs. 


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Lynn Sedgwick

Managing Director

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Unlocking Success: The Critical Role of Onboarding in Building High-Performing Legal Teams

Building an exceptional legal workforce goes beyond simply recruiting the right individuals for the job. It involves creating a comprehensive onboarding plan that integrates new employees into the organisation’s culture and equips them with the tools for long-term success. 

What’s more, it doesn’t just facilitate success at the initial integration stage – it involves incorporating mechanisms that enable employees to not only thrive but also continually evolve and excel throughout their tenure within the organisation. An effective plan of action empowers employers and managers to utilise the onboarding process as a strategic tool to not only assimilate new hires but also to enrich and fortify the company culture, motivate and inspire teams, and significantly bolster staff retention. 

So, what exactly should your onboarding strategy entail? Here’s what you need to know about building a robust plan. 

Employee Orientation Vs. Employee Onboarding  

Employee orientation and onboarding are distinct processes that play crucial roles in integrating new employees into the organisation. Employee orientation is typically a one-time event focused on familiarising new hires with the company’s policies, practices, and facilities. During this process, human resources personnel and partners formerly introduce employees to both the physical and hierarchal layout of their work environment.   

On the other hand, employee onboarding is a more extensive process that spans the employee’s entire journey, from their initial introduction to their full integration and productivity within the organisation. When done right, effective onboarding not only accelerates the integration of new hires but also contributes to building a strong employer brand, fostering employee engagement, and ultimately leading to a more productive and cohesive team. 


How To Design An Onboarding Plan  

Research has consistently shown that a well-structured onboarding process significantly impacts employee satisfaction, retention, and overall team success – with a strong onboarding process said to bolster hire retention by 92% and productivity by over 70%. 

 While there’s no one-size-fits-all strategy for onboarding, there are some steps you can use to improve your chances of the right results for your team. 

1. Decide on an optimal onboarding strategy 

First, it’s worth considering how you’re going to deliver your onboarding experience to new hires. Traditionally, onboarding takes place within the office, consisting of regular face-to-face meetings, training opportunities, and induction processes. Since the shift to hybrid and remote work, 1 in 4 UK workers now work a hybrid work week (as of 2023), making efforts to both understand and cater to the preferences and needs of hires and employees vital to not just retention but general employee wellbeing. 

 As such, the trick in designing a flexible but successful onboarding plan lies in figuring out where to incorporate virtual elements, and what aspects require face-to-face interaction. This is best informed by the input of the new hires themselves, as they are best placed to offer pointers on what makes for the best onboarding experience.  

 2. Assign Each Staff Member an Onboarding Buddy 

Because onboarding is a long-term development strategy for each employee, it requires as much of a social support system as a professional one, primarily in the form of someone to turn to for any questions, advice or company, especially considering the learning curve of a new hire is rarely linear.  

Although seemingly insignificant, an onboarding buddy can prove key in integrating a new employee, as they can often be the difference between a rocky and frustrating start and a much smoother onboarding experience.  

Regular communication should therefore be encouraged between the new hire and their onboarding buddy, in order to build an authentic, transparent relationship – this will be the bedrock on which any further dynamic between the two will be built. Some companies use informal coffee chats and video calls between staff members and their “mentors” to help further integrate new hires into the company culture and track their progress – the onus is on you to make whatever changes are most practical to foster a healthy relationship. 

 3. Prioritise Regular, Transparent Communication 

Establishing a culture of open communication from the outset is essential for fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment. Team members should be able to feel like they have a voice, and can contribute to their own development by suggesting areas where they feel they need to improve, or requesting training opportunities where necessary. They should also feel comfortable opening up about any struggles with workload, burnout or a sense of disconnect felt with the team or firm goals.  

 Regular one-on-one meetings between employees and their managers provide a platform for such discourse and enable both parties to productively discuss progress, address challenges, and identify opportunities for growth and development. It is vital that each employee knows how their performance will be evaluated, and what kind of qualities they need to demonstrate in their day-to-day work. 

 4. Set And Regularly Update Goals

 In light of the fact that up to 33% of employees leave within their first 6 months with a new company and that 86% of respondents in a survey last year expressed willingness to switch jobs despite potential damage to their CV and reputation, it has become increasingly imperative for partners to be exceptionally attuned to the engagement and satisfaction levels of their staff members, especially in the wake of the effects of the Great Resignation.  

This necessitates providing each team member with a clear and compelling vision of their future within the firm and actively supporting them in setting and achieving their career goals. Regular one-on-one meetings with line managers should serve as a platform for encouraging employees to candidly discuss their strengths, areas for development, and aspirations, thereby fostering an environment of open dialogue and personal growth.  

As an employee’s role within the firm evolves, the individuals or teams responsible for their onboarding should collaborate with them to expand and refine their goals to ensure that they consistently perceive themselves as progressing in a meaningful and purposeful direction. This proactive approach not only cultivates a sense of alignment and purpose among the staff but also reinforces their commitment to the firm’s long-term success. 

 5. Focus On Employee Development From The Get-Go

 Creating a plan for employee development as part of your general onboarding strategy will ensure you can retain your top talent for longer, and achieve the best results from every member of your team.  

Having clear communication and documentation around career paths, professional development, and objectives around progression demonstrates to new legal professionals that there is investment in the long term. The regular meetings with your new starters should also touch upon their professional development – where they are currently on that career path, as well as their future aspirations and goals. 

In Conclusion  

Hiring a new individual is a huge investment of time, money and internal resources so it’s imperative to ensure that once that individual joins your firm, their onboarding process is designed and focused on their long-term career (and not solely focused on the inevitable HR administration and initial IT setup!).  

Of course, the success and retention of your new hire starts with ensuring that all important ‘fit’ from the outset. Using the services of a legal recruitment specialist can help here as they have the time and resources to ensure a deeper understanding of not only your challenges and objectives as a hirer, but the career aspirations and goals of the legal professionals they help as well. What’s more, many recruiters offer alternative services such as ‘retained search’ which may include elements such as psychometric testing, video profiling and virtual interviews which are all focused on that ‘fit’ giving you a head start on your onboarding process, and ensuring that individual is in it for the long run. 


About Clayton Legal

Clayton Legal has been partnering with law firms across the country since 1999 and during that time has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability. We have made over 5,000 placements from partners to legal executives, solicitors to paralegals and legal IT personnel to practice managers.

If you are building your legal team or looking for your next career move, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

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Joel Okoye

Digital Marketing Apprentice

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The Balancing Act: Mitigating the ‘Always-On’ Culture within Flexible Work Schedules

The classic burnout problem has been an ever-present thorn in the side of the aspiring lawyer and, as problematic as it is, has long been seen as the price to pay for a richly – or even moderately – successful career. While the legal profession has been known for its resistance to change at times, let alone change to what was sometimes deemed by previous generations to be a winning formula for career success in the profession, whispers around the detriment of this ‘always on culture’ to personal and professional health have gradually turned into full-blown conversations since the dawn of the post-pandemic era and led to the high demand for flexibility we see in the discourse among legal professionals today. 

This topic of flexible/remote/hybrid working has been the buzz of the legal space for much of the post-pandemic period, and although initially met with some pushback, most firms have now found themselves having to toe the line, whether that be to meet the expectations of the talent they are looking to hire, keep themselves in contention hiring-wise or keep existing employees happy. Legal professionals, particularly the Gen Z cohort, have been the prime advocates for this change in working practices, largely as a result of the burnout problem prevalent during – and exacerbated by – the pandemic. In an effort to counteract the effect that rising pressures on business have had on employeewellbeing, legal professionals have asked for respite in the form of flexibility – and after some initial resistance, employers now seem to be warming up to it.  

But 4 years down the line, the question has to be asked: Is it all that it’s cracked up to be?   

Flexible working – A double-edged sword? 

Some would argue that the answer to this question is a resounding yes, as the rise of a tech-centric way of working has proven to be key in establishing new, healthier and cheaper ways of working and living in a demanding and economically tumultuous time. The dreaded long commutes to work are a thing of the past for many, as are the headaches that fitting one’s work schedule around pressing personal and care needs brings on a weekly basis. The freedom and balance that such schedule offers cannot and should not be understated, and for over 75% of respondents of our latest Salary Survey report said to be currently uninterested in making a move any time soon, it was found to be their biggest reason for inertia.  

The other side of the argument, however, is that perhaps surprisingly, it is proving to be somewhat problematic. As instrumental as it has been in breathing a new lease of life into legal careers across the industry, it has ended up having quite the opposite effect for some. The rapid progression of technology during and post-pandemic has no doubt brought people more together and more connected than ever, but as this has as much intrapersonal implications as it does interpersonal, it consequently means multiple aspects of an individual’s life also become tethered to one another, blurring the lines between home and work. The near-seamless transition that a flexible way of working provides between these otherwise set boundaries – with the speed and ease of communication that email and digital video technology provide – make connecting with colleagues and employers as effortless and as easy as it is with family, friends and loved ones. Team members can reach one another with a simple Zoom or Teams call and are each only an email or text message away, and suddenly it almost feels like one is expected to be available round the clock. Without the physical barriers that dictate the end of a working day and the start of another, people are finding it harder to compartmentalise work life and personal life and as a result, are as switched on and connected mentally as they are digitally to colleagues and employers even after working hours. The FOMO that it can generate as a result is seriously detrimental. 

 Toby Pochron, employment director at law firm Freeths signals the practicality issue inherent to a flexibility-oriented work life, a rather ironic actuality – considering it was meant to eliminate rather than add to the ‘always-on mentality prominent in work cultures across the industry:

Workers, for example, are constantly connected to not just friends and family but colleagues and employers through the same devices. The ever-present ability to check emails, for example, is a major problem. Once emails are checked, if “urgent” things are identified, there is a temptation to deal with them immediately, even if that means outside working hours.”  

Does flexible working boost or hinder productivity?

An even more poignant reality to discuss is its impact on productivity, and how, despite the general perception around the degree of autonomy flexible working offers, it can be a driver of burnout through the restrictive way in which it forces some employees to live their work life. A study conducted by the University of Essex and the University of Chicago found an interesting pattern with regard to the productivity levels of employees working in an IT company during the pandemic, noting that although working hours rose in that time – by roughly 30% – including an 18% increase in out-of-hours working, overall productivity did not significantly change. Technology was found to play a key part in setting this pattern, as the sharp rise in meeting hours and email traffic meant there was a greater cost to pay for seamless collaboration and communication, a cost that came in the form of their autonomy –a factor found by the NALP to be one of the biggest drivers of burnout. As one might expect, this naturally leads to the behaviours normally associated with burnout, such as regular working out of hours – to compensate for a perceived lack of professional efficacy, and a resulting chronic exhaustion that only serves to compound the productivity problem and ultimately the business’ bottom line. 

Such issues put significant strain on mental and emotional resources and also make formal and informal working relationships difficult to build or maintain for an employee, which leads to a distinct lack of engagement with and increased distancing from work life – another common sign of burnout. Dr.Christoph Siemroth, one of the researchers involved in the above study, remarked on its impact on general capacity to build interpersonal relationships both in and out of work: “Additional evidence for this view is that employees networked less – they had fewer contacts with colleagues and business units both inside and outside the firm.”  

This has a particularly marked effect on new employees trying to find their feet during onboarding processes and the balancing act of juggling work and personal responsibilities in a new and unconventional work lifestyle. The lack of person-to-person contact and informal interaction (which is often crucial to building relationships with colleagues and a strong sense of stability in the early days of one’s tenure) present in a virtual meeting compared to a physical one, can lead to a disconnect between trainee/manager and employee and make integration an even bigger challenge, exacerbating burnout as a result. Employees already part of the furniture aren’t immune to this intrinsic issue within flexible working either, as the nature of virtual collaboration dictates that working relationships are the focus of any interpersonal interaction made, with any informal talk kept to a minimum to prioritise productivity. 

So, when the evidence points to a clear trend, counterintuitive as it may seem to imply that flexibility can be detrimental to overall professional wellbeing, it is pertinent to ask at this junction: what are the reasons it’s doing more harm than good?  

The work-life balance conundrum

Employers are falling into the all too common trap of defining what work-life balance means for their employees, when one of the most pertinent things about flexible working is the term’s inherent applicability to all lifestyles – whether that be in the form of a fixed hybrid schedule, a malleable working schedule or a fully remote one. Not every employee wants the lines between their work and personal life blurred, while some need the two to be closely linked, in order to allow for a work pattern that best supports their preferred style of working. 

 A study conducted by Gallup to investigate the preferred work styles amongst the U.S. workforce highlights the importance of allowing employees to decide what a healthy flexible working arrangement is for them. When asked what work schedule would be the most ideal out of a choice of a 9-5 job (with a clear divide between work and personal life) and a blend of the two throughout a working day, the results showed that out of all participants, 50% preferred the former (termed splitters) while the other 50 chose the latter (termed blenders). What was even more interesting was that out of a survey of large-company CHROs, they found that HR leaders repeatedly underestimated how much of their workforce wanted to be splitters. 

While the former set of results did vary by work-type, the key takeaway from the research was that employees not working in their preferred ways were more likely to report experiencing burnout, be less engaged and most importantly to hiring managers – on the market for a new job. Making the choice for your workers or team regarding what manner of flexible working suits them best is counterproductive to individual productivity and can cause the aforementioned issues exhibited by individuals struggling with burnout – issues that, out of all the burnout symptoms, have been shown to be among the top 10 that impact health and longevity.  

Your legal team: understanding your ‘splitters’ and ‘blenders’

Your goal therefore as an employer when approaching flexible working should be to understand on what spectrum each member of your workforce lies – whether they lean towards the splitter or the blender type – and devise an informed solution that best addresses their needs. This is especially important where a neurodiverse employee is concerned, as they largely depend on this kind of support and understanding from their employer in order to thrive at their job. The best way to approach doing this is to make it a leadership problem first before an employee one, as due to the systemic nature of the problem of burnout, its root causes must be tackled at the top first, before any resulting effects can be seen on the workforce.   

As such, the onus is on a firm’s leaders to begin by cultivating an environment that prioritises strong relationships and builds autonomy, belonging, competence and individual gratification from work, as this has been shown according to research, to mitigate burnout in workforces. This can and should be done by incorporating this into any programmes undertaken by leadership figures in the firm, and going a step further to make it part of formal coaching, as this helps to make the concepts of risks and consequences of burnout real to leaders, and offers a more bespoke and systemic approach to resolving individual-specific challenges with resolving burnout in one’s team. A core part of this is involving and utilising employee perspectives and experiences, as this will best inform the solutions you intend to craft for your own workforce. 

When this is done, you put the control and autonomy that can otherwise feel out of reach, back into your workers’ hands, thereby enabling them to work in a way that best suits them, and tighten any gaps present in employer-employee/colleague relationships to build the support systems that a workforce needs to keep them afloat should things become difficult to manage individually (which is often the case among lawyers in the industry). And most importantly, you heal that fracture that appears in their self-worth as a result of the sense of professional inadequacy burnout causes, as well as the physical and mental exhaustion it can lead to.   

Perhaps most pertinent to the discussion hiring-wise, is its profound impact on retention efforts – as at the end of the day the simple math is – the less unhappy and burnt-out employees are, the less likely they are to be watching out or actively searching for a new job – an undesirable situation for any employer to be amidst a widespread skills shortage problem. As far as recruitment is concerned, it significantly broadens your reach to otherwise shut-out segments of the legal talent pool unable to find what best suits their needs flexible-working-wise, and keeps you front of mind to the kind of legal professionals your firm may find annoyingly elusive. 


About Clayton Legal 

Clayton Legal has been partnering with law firms across the country since 1999 and has built up an enviable reputation for trust and reliability during that time. We have made over 5,000 placements from Partners to Legal Executives, Solicitors to Paralegals and Legal I.T. personnel to Practice Managers.  

 If you are building your legal team or looking for your next career move, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121.  



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Joel Okoye

Digital Marketing Apprentice

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Exploring the Possibilities of Further Family Law Reforms Post No-Fault Divorce Legislation

  • March 6, 2024

It’s been nearly two years since no-fault divorce legislation came into effect in England and Wales. Despite the legislation aiming to streamline proceedings for divorcing couples, according to the Law Society the average time for divorce increased to around 38 weeks post-reform, with a significant backlog of custody and family law cases tying up the courts. So, what further family law reforms are on the table, and how will any future changes impact firms working in Family and Private law?

Upcoming Government Family Law Reforms

Following on from no-fault divorce legislation, the government’s primary concern in family law reforms has continued to be with creating processes that reduce conflict in cases – such as improving access to early legal advice, providing vouchers for mediation, co-parenting classes and improving safeguards for victims of domestic violence – with the aim of supporting the wellbeing of children in separating families.

Following the outcome of the Private Family Law Early Resolution Consultation published in January a number of pilot schemes in England and Wales are being extended in advance of a national rollout with the hope that many cases will be resolved before reaching court. There is also an extension of an ongoing pilot scheme allowing journalists to report on family court proceedings designed to increase transparency in the family court system.

What Isn’t Included in the Plans?

Welcome though these changes are, there is still unfinished business when it comes to family law reforms, particularly legislation surrounding financial settlements in divorce cases and the legality of pre and post-nuptial agreements. Not to mention the legal protections afforded for cohabiting couples in the event of relationship breakdown.

Because there is little transparency around these issues, many clients approach legal separation with trepidation. The Law Commission is currently reviewing the laws around financial settlements however many feel that this process is too slow, and that any proposed changes will not go far enough. There have been calls from both Labour and Conservative MPs for the government to speed up reforms around financial settlements, albeit from different perspectives.

Baroness Deech has repeatedly pressed for pre and post-nuptial agreements to be made legal stating that ‘enacting pre-nuptial agreements into law would save cost, make mediation easier and significantly free up the courts.’

On the other side, Shadow Attorney General and MP, Emily Thornberry announced at last year’s Labour Party Conference that her party was committed to cohabitation reform to strengthen the protections available to those living together, particularly those couples where one partner earns significantly more than the other.

The Consequences of Further Family Law Reform for Firms

With the Law Commission currently reviewing the current legislation around financial settlements and the distinct possibility of a Labour government in the near future, it’s possible that we’re going to see continued family law reforms. But what could this mean for law firms, your Private and Family legal teams, and your recruitment strategy?

Putting tougher limits around the splitting of marital assets and reducing the extent to which outcomes are dependent on the discretion of judges could lead to a reduction in the number of large international divorce cases we have seen in the English courts. This may free up the time and resources of the family court system as could the stronger emphasis on mediation, as fewer cases reach court. Those that do make it to court will be easier to litigate and far less drawn out, resulting in lower legal costs for clients but greater competition for high-value cases from legal firms.

For Family and Private Law firms we could see:

  • A greater emphasis on providing pre-divorce legal advice and mediation services.
  • Smaller teams but with greater skill specialisation (eg. financial expertise, mediation techniques, child welfare etc.)
  • A need to widen the soft and non-legal skills available in your team to include media relations, conflict resolution, communication, and empathy.
  • Increased provision of training and development around domestic violence, child safeguarding and financial abuse.
  • A need to widen the soft and non-legal skills available in your team to include media relations, conflict resolution, communication, and empathy.
  • Increased provision of training and development around domestic violence, child safeguarding and financial abuse.
  • A need to tap into wider perspectives through Diversity and Inclusion initiatives.

All of which might need you to rethink your talent attraction and retention strategies and target key skills to better support your long-term growth.

Clayton Legal has over 20 years’ experience helping clients attract and retain legal talent across practice areas that include Property, Personal Injury, Family, Criminal, and Costs law as well as Legal IT and Civil and Commercial Litigation.

If you are building your legal team, we can help. Call us on 01772 259 121 or email us here.

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