The True Cost of Hiring Calculator
Have you ever calculated the true cost of a bad hire? i.e. someone who leaves your business during the first year of employment.
The stakes are higher than they’ve ever been when it comes to having the right team in place, with a focus for employers on how they approach their recruitment and retention strategies.
Our calculator allows you to quickly review and analyse the commercial cost of your recent hires, leavers, and the financial impact of getting it wrong, which in most cases is roughly 3.5 x their annual salary – clearly impacting both business growth, and the bottom line.
Our unique Recruitment Process Audit uses the latest data and industry research-based algorithms to work out what the true cost is to you and your Firm.
Follow these 3 simple steps and get your FREE report and analytics directly to your inbox:
- Answer the questions and fill in your details so we can send the report to you
- Click ‘Calculate‘ and look out for your custom report in your inbox.

If you are responsible for hiring and have been impacted previously by a ‘bad hire’, why not speak to our team today for a review of the current market, movement of talent within that market and sector, and how we can help you get that best fit, first time.